Friday, January 14, 2011

With Purpose Success, part 12

Read with purpose. We all know that Hamlet, the brilliant story of an indecisive prince, teaches us much about a purposeful life and the universal struggle to separate good from evil. But Shakespeare isn't the only writer with a message. Choose novels and movies and lectures and art exhibits and columnists that make you think and will challenge your assumptions and open your mind to new possibilities. That is where self-discovery, tolerance, and new passions may be found.
Travel with purpose. I have a phrase that I use when traveling: get off the map. Just once during every trip I take I like to venture a little farther than the tour guide or trip planner had scheduled. I sometimes have to push myself; temporarily leave my comfort zone. But getting off the map leads to unexpected, joyful learning experiences-like a perfect cup of chocolate coffee in Torino or a personal tour through a small French vintner's cellars in Burgundy. Such unique and unsanitized experiences expose me to things I don't know and understand and help me define my place in the world. They are also a heck of a lot of fun.
Decorate your home with purpose. Most of us already do this. You hang up family pictures and post a good report card on the refrigerator. Don't underestimate the value of this expression of love. Everyone, and kids especially, need to be reminded of how much they are loved. But you can go further, especially if you have children at home. Let them decorate their room however they like. Heck, let them decorate the family room too. Frame a picture they took or one of their paintings and display it. If your kids are still young, let them write on the walls in their room. This feeds their creativity and reinforces your faith in them and helps them grow confident. You'll have plenty of time to wipe away their marks when they've gone. But they will never wipe away the positive marks you left on them.
Tip with purpose. You cannot believe the importance of an extra dollar or two for many people who work in a services field-cabdrivers, parking attendants, the person who brings you groceries or cleans your home, and of course the waitress at the diner. Some years ago I made a point of overtipping everyone in my life for a short period just to see how it feels. I was repaid swiftly with smiles and sincere gratitude-and I never had to wait for my car at the lot again! I soon found that I was not only helping people who have a little less in life but feeling better about myself as well, and this good feeling was influencing my other daily activities. I smiled more and often felt greater energy at work-all because of a small deed.
OK, you get the idea. You can bring responsible and generous behavior to just about everything you do, and turn simple things into significant moments that enhance your life. This is the essence of purpose, and it isn't all that hard to find. Try thinking about how you can bring more purpose to your life the next time you're walking the dog or running on the treadmill. You'll find that such reflection is far more invigorating than obsessing over a gray hair or perhaps your neighbor's new BMW.
Giving Back Equals Economic Gain

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